The glazes of the serie „G“ are highly reliable frit glazes, transparent up to opaque, with the content of lead oxide PbO 15-60%. They are designed for the firing temperatures of 940-1000°C, some glazes with lower content of PbO can be burnt till the temperature of 1040°C.

They are suitable for white- and colour burny body with high coefficient of linear thermal expansivity a > 70.10-7K-1, on shorter body mass a < 65.10-7K-1 they crackle hard. It is possible to decorate them to raw glaze by painting or spraying also. At thick application, it is possible to apply this glazes like flowing (the firing over 1000°C). The glazes are engrained by metallic dyeing oxides (in the case of transparent glazes) or by ceramic pigments (in the case of semi-opaque till opaque glazes). At the application of transparent glazes (e.g. of cobaltic, blue, green or brown) to the colourer body, it is necessary to keep in view, the body colour distort hard the colour of burnt glaze. That is why we recommend to prove in advance. They are suitable for all glazing techniques. With regard to considerable content of lead, it is not possible to recommend this glazes for the production of kitchenware, although theirs chemical resistance is high sufficient.